EHPAD Residense Des Fontaines, Bretagne, France

Total Savings


Payback Period

8.4 months


Savings based on operational costs supplied at time of installation.

The EHPAD Résidence des Fontaines were unsatisfied with the bulkhead lighting installed in their staircase as they lit only the areas located directly in front of them, causing uneven light distribution. The objective of this upgrade project was to source fittings that would reach 150 lux throughout the entire staircase area. Furthermore, the project also needed to comply with French standards on ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) regarding circulation areas.

After conducting market research among LED manufacturers, it was decided that ROBUS CAESAR LED battens would be the appropriate fittings to install.

Energy savings result in a total of €14,625 per year over a payback period of 8.4 months considering the reduced energy consumption, zero labour costs and zero replacement costs.

“Compared to other lighting products with similar power, the CAESAR LED battens have less glare. The light is better distributed which provides a uniform level of light throughout the staircase. Furthermore, these fittings can be installed easily and look great. We are highly satisfied with the level of light provided. In addition to that, we are happy with the finish on the installation since the style of the batten fits in perfectly in the staircase. The project was finished mid-April 2016”

  • The Director of EHPAD Residence des Fontaines

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