1. The Promoter of ROBUS Golden Ticket 2024 (the “Promotion”) is L.E.D. Lighting and Electrical Distribution Group Limited (CRO Number 101834) of Knockmitten Lane, Western Industrial Estate, Dublin 12 (the “Promoter”).

2. The Promotion is administered by the Promoter. All correspondence regarding this Promotion should be directed to the Promoter’s address.

3. Instructions on how to enter and mechanics of prize redemption form part of these Conditions of Entry.

4. Participation in this Promotion is deemed acceptance of these Conditions of Entry (including the Schedule). The Promoter’s decision not to enforce a specific restriction does not constitute a waiver of that restriction or of these Conditions of Entry generally.


Entrant must meet all of the following Conditions of Entry:

5. This Promotion is only open to those persons aged 18 years and over at the time of entry who have purchased a product or service of the Promoter or its affiliates in the Republic of Ireland or the United Kingdom.

6. Persons who do not meet the criteria in point 5 above are ineligible to enter and participate in the Promotion. All entries and attempted prize redemptions by or on behalf of persons who are ineligible will be deemed invalid.

7. Directors, officers, management and employees (and their immediate families) of the Promoter, and its related bodies corporate or franchisees, suppliers, providers and agencies associated with this Promotion or who have influence over the allocation of rewards are ineligible to participate in this Promotion. Immediate family means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, civil partner, child or step-child (whether natural or by adoption and fostering), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step- grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or 1st cousin.

8. As a condition of entering this Promotion and in the event an Entrant is a Grand Prize or Major Prize winner, an Entrant consents to the Promoter using the Entrant’s name and locality in any media in the Republic of Ireland or the United Kingdom for an unlimited period of time without further notification, remuneration or compensation for the purpose of promoting, publicizing or marketing the Promotion (including any outcome), and/or promoting any products or services manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by the Promoter.


9. The Promotion is open for Qualifying Purchases (as defined in the ‘How to Enter’ section below) made between 12.01 am on 01 September 2024 and the close of business on 16 December 2024 (“Promotional Period”).

10. The redemption period opens at 12.01 am on 01 September 2024 and closes at 11.59 pm on 16 September 2024 (“Redemption Period”).


11. Entrants must:

  • - during the Promotional Period, purchase any Eligible Products from any Irish/UK certified stockist or Participating Electrical Wholesalers (“Qualifying Purchase”). A single promotional card (“golden ticket”) containing a unique code to enter via the promotional website, will be located inside the product carton. “Eligible Products” include only the following products:
  • Brand Name:
    Range Name:
    Harbour Express:
    Harbour Express
    Harbour Express
    Harbour Express
    Harbour Express
    Harbour Express
    Harbour Express
  • - during the Redemption Period, visit (“Promotional Website”), locate the entry page, fill in the online entry form with the necessary details (name, email address, and unique code) and submit the online prize claiming form.
  • - once the Entrant has made their Qualifying Purchase and successfully entered the details on the Promotional Website (“Qualified Claim”), they must retain the promotional card containing the unique code in case of prize verification. In the event a promotional card is not supplied at the time of the Qualifying Purchase, it is the Entrant’s responsibility to request one. For the avoidance of doubt, every Qualified Purchase is entitled to one promotional card / one entry.

12. For each Qualified Claim the Entrant must keep their promotional card that bears the Unique Game Card Code submitted at the time of claim or entry. The Promoter in its sole discretion, may at any time after a claim or an entry has been submitted, require the original promotional card to be produced for verification before awarding any prize.

13. The Eligible Product may not always be available for sale in all Participating Electrical Wholesalers during the Promotional Period. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any Eligible Product being unavailable at a Participating Electrical Wholesaler during the Promotional Period.

14. Entries must be received during the Redemption Period and will be deemed to be received only when received by the Promoter. The Promoter is not liable for any problems with communications networks. Any cost associated with accessing the Promotional Website is the Entrant’s sole responsibility and is dependent on the internet service provider used by the Entrant.

15. The Promoter is not responsible if an Entrant’s mobile/desktop device is not sufficiently capable for the purpose of submitting an entry, including having the requisite browser capability.

16. Multiple entries are permitted, subject to the following: - each entry must be submitted separately and in accordance with the entry requirements of these Conditions of Entry, and - the same unique code from a promotional card cannot be used more than once.

17. The total prize pool that may be won by any Entrant is €2,500/£2500.


18. The Instant Win Prize will be randomly allocated throughout the Redemption Period.

19. Entrants who perform the steps outlined in clause 11 above (“Qualified Claim”) will be notified via email confirming their prize details and how to redeem the Instant Win Prize.

20. All Instant Win Prizes are subject to the terms and conditions detailed in the Schedule.

21. The weekly, monthly and star prize draws will take place on the following dates, using verified software. Once a serial number has been entered online, it is eligible for all weekly, monthly and star prize draws thereafter. Winners will be notified via email confirming their prize details and issuing same. 15 Weekly Draws, each for €100/£100 taking place on 6,13,20,27 September 2024, 4,11,18,25 October 2024, 1,8,15,22,29 November 2024 and 6,13 2024 December 2024. 3 Monthly Draws, each for £€500 taking place on 24 September 2024, 22 October 2024 and 19 November 2024. 1 Star Prize Draw for €2,500/£2500 taking place on 17 December 2024.

22. All winners of prizes will have their first name initial and last name published on the Promotional Website on or before 17 December 2024 for a period of at least 30 days.

23. If any prize remains unclaimed at the end of this Promotion, or if a prize winner cannot be found, that information will be published on the Promotional Website on or before 17 December 2024.

24. Should an Entrant’s contact details change during the Promotion, it is the Entrant’s responsibility to notify the Promoter via email during the Promotional Period (inclusive) Monday to Sunday including Public Holidays. A request to access or modify any information provided in the claim/entry should be directed to the Promoter.


25. For each Qualified Claim, the Entrant must keep their promotional card for all entries as proof of purchase. Failure to provide the promotional card(s) for all entries when requested may, in the absolute discretion of the Promoter, result in invalidation of ALL of an Entrant’s entries and forfeiture of any right to a prize.

26. The Promoter (including its directors, officers, employees, and agents), its respective agents, Promotional Partners and distributors are not liable for lost, stolen or damaged prizes, and to the extent permitted by law do not make any contractual promise or representation regarding the quality of the prizes offered and cannot be held liable for any resulting personal loss or damage. For the sake of clarity, this clause shall not apply where the Promoter (including its directors, officers, employees, and agents), its respective agents, Promotional Partners and Participating Electrical Wholesalers have directly caused any loss or damage.

27. Prizes are subject to availability and are not transferable, exchangeable or redeemable for cash. If a prize is unavailable, for whatever reason, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute the prize for a prize of equal value and/or specification, subject to any written approval from the relevant regulatory authorities.

28. The Promoter is not responsible for any dispute between an Entrant and any person with whom they choose to, or choose not to, share a prize.

29. All Promotion advertisements depicting prizes, prize descriptions and/or trademark references are illustrative rather than definitive and do not imply any association with the Promoter.

30. Timeframes for delivery indicated in these Conditions of Entry may be affected by circumstances outside of the control of the Promoter, including, but not limited to strikes, fires, floods, earthquakes, other natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and blackouts. The Promoter will not be liable for delays caused by circumstances outside of their control. Where possible, the Promoter will advise you of any such delay. Unless otherwise specified, prizes will only be delivered to addresses in the Republic of Ireland/UK.

31. Without limiting any other term of these Conditions of Entry, all prizes (and elements of prizes) must be taken as and when reasonably specified or will be forfeited with no replacement. The prize values are in Sterling/Irish Euros, are correct as of the date of preparing these Conditions of Entry and include any applicable VAT. The Promoter is not responsible for any change in prize value.

32. The terms of the prizes are as stated in these Conditions of Entry, and no other representations (written or oral) shall apply. Nothing in these terms affects any statutory rights an Entrant may have, including under the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 and the Consumer Rights Act 2022.

33. In the event the Promotion is unable to proceed as set out in these Conditions of Entry, the Promoter reserves the right to vary same, subject to any written approval, if required, from the relevant regulatory authorities.

34. Printing and other quality control errors outside the Promoter’s control will not invalidate an otherwise valid prize claim. Every Instant Win Prize will be honoured unless the claim is rejected due to fraud or ineligibility under these Conditions of Entry.

35. The Promoter is not responsible for any tax implications arising from an Entrant winning a prize. Entrants should seek independent financial advice.

36. The Promotional Website may contain links to other websites (“Linked Sites”), including websites of Promotional Partners (“Promotional Partner Websites”). The Promoter is not responsible for the content of any Linked Sites, whether or not the Promoter is affiliated with the Linked Sites. The Promoter does not in any way endorse any Linked Sites and is not responsible for the quality or delivery of any products or services offered, accessed or advertised by such Linked Sites. To the extent that these Linked Sites collect personal information or postings from Entrants, the Promoter shall bear no responsibility or liability for the manner in which such information or postings are used or exploited. The Linked Sites are for Entrants’ convenience only, and Entrants agree to access them at their own risk.

37. The Promoter is not liable for entries, prize claims or correspondence that are misplaced, misdirected, delayed, lost, incomplete, illegible or incorrectly submitted. Incomprehensible, indecipherable and incomplete entries may at the Promoter’s discretion, be deemed invalid and not eligible for a prize.

38. Any additional or ancillary costs associated with redeeming the Prizes are not included. Those costs are the responsibility of the Entrant who redeems the Prize. Accessing any Promotional Partner Website and downloading, using or installing any Application is the Entrant’s responsibility and at the Entrant’s risk and the steps required may vary depending on the internet service or telecommunications provider used.

39. Entrants must not:

  • - tamper with the entry process;
  • - engage in any conduct that may jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the Promotion;
  • - acting in a disruptive, annoying, threatening, abusive or harassing manner;
  • - do anything that may diminish the good name or reputation of the Promoter or any of its related entities or of the agencies or companies associated with this Promotion;
  • - make a Qualifying Purchase and return the product to a Participating Electrical Wholesaler unused, whilst keeping the Promotional Card; or
  • - make a Qualifying Purchase and return the product to a Participating Electrical Wholesaler unused, with a used (scratched) Promotional Card; - breach any law; or
  • - behave in a way that is otherwise inappropriate.

40. The Promoter (including its directors, officers, employees and agents) reserve the right, at any time, to verify the validity of claims and the Entrant (including the Entrant’s identity, age and place of residence) and reserve the right, in their discretion, to disqualify any individual who they have reason to believe has breached any of these Conditions of Entry. If an Entrant entered using automatically generated entries or multiple phone numbers/email addresses/addresses/aliases, the Entrant may be disqualified. Errors and omissions may be accepted at the Promoter’s discretion. The Promoter’s legal rights to recover damages or other compensation in such circumstances are reserved.

41. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of their rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights. The Promoter’s legal rights to recover damages or other compensation arising as a result of such conduct are reserved.

42. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions restricts, excludes or modifies any consumer rights under any statute including the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 and the Consumer Rights Act 2022.

43. Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law and subject to the previous paragraph, the Promoter (including its directors, officers, employees and agents), Participating Electrical Wholesalers and the Promotional Partners (including their respective officers, employees and agents) are not responsible for and exclude all liability (including for negligence) for any personal injury, death or harm suffered by the Entrant or other person who redeems the Prize (and the Entrant or such person releases Promoter from any such liability) or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity), whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in connection with this Promotion, including:

  • - any technical difficulties or equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s or Participating Electrical Wholesalers’ control);
  • - any theft, unauthorised access or third-party interference;
  • - any claim that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter or Participating Electrical Wholesalers) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter or Promotional Partners;
  • - any variation in prize value to that stated in these terms and conditions;
  • - any tax liability incurred by an Entrant; or
  • - the use and/or taking of a prize. For the sake of clarity, this clause shall not apply where the Promoter (including its directors, officers, employees and agents), its respective agents, and Participating Electrical Wholesalers have directly caused any such personal injury, death or harm, loss or damage.

44. If this Promotion is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason, including by outside act, agent or event that is beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, including but not limited to technical difficulties, epidemic, pandemic, government directive, unauthorised intervention or fraud, the Promoter reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law and subject to any direction by a relevant regulatory authority:

  • - to disqualify any Entrant; or
  • - to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Promotion, as appropriate.

45. Entrants will not be required to provide their address.

46. Personal information (“PI”) is being collected by the Promoter and it’s Promotional Agents in order to conduct this Promotion and to contact an Entrant in relation to the Promotion. For this purpose, the Promoter may disclose PI to third parties, including but not limited to their employees, agents, contractors, service providers, suppliers and, as required under any applicable law, to regulatory authorities. Participation in aspects of the Promotion is conditional on an Entrant providing the Promoter this PI. The Promoter and its Promotional Agents will use and handle personal information as set out in its Privacy Policy, which can be viewed at and The Promoter may disclose personal information to entities outside of Ireland and the UK. In addition to any use that may be outlined in the Promoter’s Privacy Policy. By entering, you consent to the Promoter keeping your personal information on its database to use for future marketing purposes, including contacting you by electronic messaging. The Promoter, may, for an indefinite period, unless otherwise advised, use the PI for promotional, marketing, publicity, research and profiling purposes, including sending electronic messages or telephoning the Entrant. Each Privacy Policy also contains information about how an Entrant may opt-out, access, update or correct their PI, how they may complain about the treatment of their PI, and how those complaints will be dealt with. The Promoter may use this PI for:

  • - its own future marketing purposes regarding its products / services, including contacting the Eligible claimant electronically;
  • - improving the Promoter or its related entities’ goods and services; and
  • - the purposes set out in the Promoter’s privacy policy, which is located at

47. If any dispute arises between an Entrant and the Promoter concerning the conduct of this promotion or claiming a prize, the Promoter will take reasonable steps to consider the Entrant’s point of view, taking into account any facts or evidence they put forward, and to respond to it fairly within a reasonable time. In all other respects, the Promoter’s decisions in respect of the Promotion are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

48. No compensation will be payable to any person if an Entrant is unable to submit a prize claim in the time and manner set out in these Terms and Conditions for whatever reason.

49. For enquiries regarding this Promotion, customers may email during the Promotional Period, from Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays.

50. Should an Entrant’s contact details change during the Promotion, it is the Entrant’s responsibility to notify the Promoter via email at during the Promotional Period, from Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays. A request to access or modify any information provided in the claim/entry should be directed to the Promoter.

51. This Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with any social media platform, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Entrants provide their information to the Promoter and not to any social media platform. Entrants completely release any relevant social media platforms from any and all liability.


52. Instant-Win prizes are as follows: 380 Sterling or Euro Mastercard vouchers worth €25/£25

53. Weekly Draw Prizes: 15 Weekly Draws, each for €100/£100 taking place on 6,13,20,27 September 2024, 4,11,18,25 October 2024, 1,8,15,22,29 November 2024 and 6,13 2024 December 2024. The winner will be randomly selected using independent and verifiable software, operated by a Staff member. Any numbers registered will be automatically entered into these weekly draws. Monthly Draw Prizes: 3 Monthly Draws, each for €500/£500 taking place on 24 September 2024, 22 October 2024 and 19 November 2024. The winner will be randomly selected using the "Lucky Draw – Random Picker" app on an Apple mobile device, operated by a staff member. Any numbers registered will be automatically entered into these monthly draws. 1 Star Prize Draw for €2,500/£2,500 taking place on 17 December 2024. The winner will be randomly selected using the "Lucky Draw – Random Picker" app on an Apple mobile device, operated by a staff member. Any numbers registered will be automatically entered into these monthly draws.

54. The maximum number of Prizes given away for this promotion is 399 and the maximum total value of the Prizes in the Promotion is €15,000/£15,000. The final number of prizes distributed by the Promoter will be the number of prizes claimed by the Entrants.


55. All Instant-Win Prizes: For each Instant Win, Entrants will receive an email which will include instructions to redeem the prize.

56. Weekly, Monthly and Star Prize Draw: For each Draw, winning Entrants will receive an email confirming they are a winner.

57. Where applicable, Entrants must agree to the Promotional Partner’s Terms & Conditions for the relevant prize and satisfy themselves with the collection statements and privacy policies of any Promotional Partners, as the Promoter will not accept any responsibility for the collection, use and handling of personal information by Promotional Partners. 58. If a winner fails to redeem an Instant Win Prize in the manner required, as stated in these Conditions of Entry and in the reasonable opinion of the Promoter, the Instant-Win Prize will be forfeited with no compensation payable. 59. It is the responsibility of the winning Entrant to use their prize by any specified expiry date. The prizes are issued with the understanding that they will not be extended or replaced. Any unused balance of the prize will not be awarded as cash. Redemption of the prize is subject to any terms and conditions of the issuer.